KGB Quotation Database search
Few cultures have not produced the idea that in some past era the world ran better than it does now.
--Elizabeth Janeway
Humor is an antidote to isolation.
--Elizabeth Janeway
If every nation gets the government it deserves, every generation writes the history which corresponds with its view of the world.
--Elizabeth Janeway
If there's nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come, there is nothing more ubiquitously pervasive than an idea whose time won't go.
--Elizabeth Janeway
individual advances turn into social change when enough of them occur.
--Elizabeth Janeway
Mythology is like gravity, inconvenient at times, but necessary for cohesion.
--Elizabeth Janeway
Power is the ability not to have to please.
--Elizabeth Janeway
Powerful people get away with things. That's one way to demonstrate their difference from the rest of us.
--Elizabeth Janeway
The idea of power as a possession, whose asset can be banked and drawn on when needed, comes easy to a society whose rules grow out of the methods of finance capitalism.
--Elizabeth Janeway
We don't get offered crises, they arrive.
--Elizabeth Janeway
We haven't come a long way, we've come a short way. If we hadn't come a short way, no one would be calling us baby.
--Elizabeth Janeway
Whatever class and race divergences exist, top cats are tom cats.
--Elizabeth Janeway
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