A mathematical formula should never be 'owned' by anybody! Mathematics belong to God.
--Donald Knuth
Always remember, however, that there's usually a simpler and better way to do something than the first way that pops into your head.
--Donald Knuth
Any inaccuracies in this index may be explained by the fact that it has been prepared with the help of a computer.
--Donald Knuth
Computer programming is an art, because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because it produces objects of beauty. A programmer who subconsciously views himself as an artist will enjoy what he does and will do it better.
--Donald Knuth
Computers are good at following instructions, but not at reading your mind.
--Donald Knuth
I can't go to a restaurant and order food because I keep looking at the fonts on the menu.
--Donald Knuth
I have a hunch that the unknown sequences of DNA will decode into copyright notices and patent protections.
--Donald Knuth
I think people who write programs do have at least a glimmer of extra insight into the nature of God... because creating a program often means that you have to create a small universe.
--Donald Knuth
If you optimize everything, you will always be unhappy.
--Donald Knuth
It is much more rewarding to do more with less.
--Donald Knuth
Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs. Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.
--Donald Knuth
Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
--Donald Knuth
Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random.
--Donald Knuth
Science is everything we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else.
--Donald Knuth
The best theory is inspired by practice.
--Donald Knuth
The enjoyment of one's tools is an essential ingredient of successful work.
--Donald Knuth
The hardest thing is to go to sleep at night, when there are so many urgent things needing to be done.
--Donald Knuth
The important thing, once you have enough to eat and a nice house, is what you can do for others, what you can contribute to the enterprise as a whole.
--Donald Knuth
The most important thing in the programming language is the name. A language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language.
--Donald Knuth
The sun comes up just about as often as it goes down, in the long run, but this doesn't make its motion random.
--Donald Knuth
The whole thing that makes a mathematician's life worthwhile is that he gets the grudging admiration of three or four colleagues.
--Donald Knuth
There's ways to amuse yourself while doing things and thats how I look at efficency.
--Donald Knuth
We should continually be striving to transform every art into a science: in the process, we advance the art.
--Donald Knuth
Found 23 occurence(s) in 52,059 quotation(s).