A junkie will steal your purse, and then help you look for it.
--Craig Ferguson
Andy Warhol said that in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Facebook is exactly like that except you're not really famous and your 15 minutes goes on forever.
--Craig Ferguson
Ask yourself the three things you must always ask yourself before you say anything: 'Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said by me? Does this need to be said by me now?'
--Craig Ferguson
Being guilty tends to engender feelings of guilt.
--Craig Ferguson
Change is the law of God's mind, and resistance to it is the source of all pain.
--Craig Ferguson
Comedy should have a certain amount of joy in it. It should be about attacking the powerful- the politicians, the Trumps, the blowhards- going after them. We shouldn't be attacking the vulnerable.
--Craig Ferguson
Confession is a sacred rite enhanced by allegory, exaggeration, and lies.
--Craig Ferguson
Cynicism is the true refuge of the pseudo-intellectual.
--Craig Ferguson
Disagreement, vehement disagreement, is healthy. Debate is impossible without it. Evil does not question itself. Even the incorruptible are corruptible if they cannot accept the possibility of being mistaken.
--Craig Ferguson
Divorce lawyers stoke anger and fear in their clients, knowing that as long as the conflicts remain unresolved the revenue stream will keep flowing.
--Craig Ferguson
Don't take nutritional advice from other species.
--Craig Ferguson
During the cold war, West Berlin was an exclave- a tiny outpost of liberalism surrounded by people who want to crush it. It was like Austin, Texas.
--Craig Ferguson
Equestrian and sailing are sports for people growing up on the mean streets of Connecticut.
--Craig Ferguson
Even the incorruptible are corruptible if they cannot accept the possibility of being mistaken. Infallibility is a sin in any man.
--Craig Ferguson
Evil does not question itself. Only Hope questions itself.
--Craig Ferguson
Failure is not disgrace. It's just a pitch that you missed, and you'd better get ready for the next one. The next one might be the shot heard round the world. My son and I are Americans, we prepare for glory by failing until we don't.
--Craig Ferguson
I believe in a Constitution which separates church from state. I've seen what happens when they get in cahoots.
--Craig Ferguson
I don't think there's anything wrong with telling the truth. I know it isn't fashionable.
--Craig Ferguson
I'm always a bit shy around evil people.
--Craig Ferguson
If it doesn't work, at least it will be an interesting train wreck.
--Craig Ferguson
If they're going to re-release an old movie, I should be able to get in with my old ticket.
--Craig Ferguson
If you can't trust, you can't be trustworthy.
--Craig Ferguson
If you don't vote, you're a moron.
--Craig Ferguson
If you really don't want gay people to get married, you shouldn't ban gay marriage, you ban gay divorce.
--Craig Ferguson
It is Veterans Day, when we honor everyone who served in all of the campaigns. We honor them with dignity and respect, and of course mattress sales and tire discounts.
--Craig Ferguson
It takes a long time to become a lawyer because you need three things- a bachelor's degree, a law degree, and a desire to worship Satan.
--Craig Ferguson
It's a great day for America, everybody!
--Craig Ferguson
It's easier to feel a little more spiritual with a couple of bucks in your pocket.
--Craig Ferguson
Laughter separates us from despair, and gives us a chance at love.
--Craig Ferguson
Love at first sight is not rare, in fact it is extremely common, it happens to some people a few times a year. The feeling of 'what if' when meeting the eyes of a stranger can be love unrecognized.
--Craig Ferguson
Maybe fear is God's way of saying, 'Pay attention, this could be fun.'
--Craig Ferguson
Other than the laws of physics, rules have never really worked out for me.
--Craig Ferguson
People talk to old people like they're children.'Oh you're very old aren't you?' Yeah I'm old. I'm not stupid.
--Craig Ferguson
Pseudoscience describes theories that sound like science but are actually just made up, like aromatherapy or biorhythms or love.
--Craig Ferguson
Saudia Arabia takes in half a trillion dollars every year in oil revenue, and the country has a population smaller than New York state, but when your system of government is an eleventh century monarchy, someone's going to end up poor, and it's not gonna be the guy whose first name is King.
--Craig Ferguson
The 3-D effects in 'Star Wars' are so realistic, you can actually see George Lucas reaching from the screen and taking the money from your wallet.
--Craig Ferguson
The devil is not abroad at night in the form of a cat or a wolf or any other animal. He lives eternally in the hearts of men.
--Craig Ferguson
The problem with suicide is that it seems so flamboyant. It's camp. You have to be a bit of a drama queen to ever seriously consider it.
--Craig Ferguson
The queen banishes Snow White because of her beauty. But the dwarves help Snow White because they're smitten by that very beauty. It teaches kids an important lesson: Nothing matters except for your looks.
--Craig Ferguson
The Universe is very, very big. It also loves a paradox. For example, it has some extremely strict rules. Rule number one: Nothing lasts forever. Not you or your family or your house or your planet or the sun. It is an absolute rule. Therefore when someone says that their love will never die, it means that their love is not real, for everything that is real dies. Rule number two: Everything lasts forever.
--Craig Ferguson
There is one thing that the medical profession cannot do and that is save people from being idiots.
--Craig Ferguson
There's something spiritual in hard work. Spirituality isn't all aromatherapy and scented candles.
--Craig Ferguson
These days, teachers have it rough. Kids can be hyperactive, disobedient, and obnoxious. It must feel like being locked in a room of drunk midgets.
--Craig Ferguson
Time is only linear for engineers and referees.
--Craig Ferguson
To most Americans, soccer is like warm hockey.
--Craig Ferguson
Tomorrow's just your future yesterday.
--Craig Ferguson
When you become a parent you go from being a star in the movie of your own life to the supporting player in the movie of someone else's.
--Craig Ferguson
White Americans have a very unusual sense of history. They make it up as they go along, constantly revising to suit their tastes in a manner that would make Stalin blush. Very few of them saw any irony in the fact that during a recent nasty Balkans conflict, when Uncle Sam intervened to stop the Serbs from ethnically cleansing the Bosnians, the military action was performed using Apache helicopter gunships. Helicopters named after a people that had been ethnically cleansed in the United States less than one hundred years previously. Sixteen lane highways across the sacred burial grounds. Yee-hah.
--Craig Ferguson
With good parody, you have to be smarter that the people you're parodying.
--Craig Ferguson
You die alone in your house, and your cat will eat you.
--Craig Ferguson
Found 50 occurence(s) in 52,059 quotation(s).