KGB Quotation Database search
Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don't.
--Brett Butler
I was married to a simian, knuckle-draggin', cousin-lovin', dog-sellin', trailer-dwellin' brainless amoeba on the booger farm of the bayou. I know that sounds really hateful, but I assure you he doesn't understand hyphenated references. My Rabelaisian wit was all but lost on him.
--Brett Butler
I would like it if men had to partake in the same hormonal cycles to which we're subjected monthly. Maybe that's why men declare war- because they have a need to bleed on a regular basis.
--Brett Butler
I'm so Southern I'm related to myself.
--Brett Butler
Men are like linoleum. If you lay them right the first time, you can walk on them for 20 years.
--Brett Butler
The older I get the simpler the definition of maturity seems: It's the length of time between when I realize someone is a jackass and when I tell them that they're one.
--Brett Butler
Found 6 occurence(s) in 52,118 quotation(s).
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