A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.
--Billie Jean King
Be bold. If you're going to make an error, make a doozy, and don't be afraid to hit the ball.
--Billie Jean King
Champions keep playing until they get it right.
--Billie Jean King
Create your legacy, and pass the baton.
--Billie Jean King
Don't go into debt and don't spend a lot. It's not how much money you make, it's how much you spend.
--Billie Jean King
Don't let anyone define you. You define yourself.
--Billie Jean King
Failure is feedback.
--Billie Jean King
I have a lot to say, and if I'm not number one, I can't say it.
--Billie Jean King
I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.
--Billie Jean King
I will tell you King's First Law of Recognition: You never get it when you want it, and then when it comes, you get too much.
--Billie Jean King
In business, everything starts with integrity. Otherwise it falls apart, though it does take time to find out who has integrity.
--Billie Jean King
It is very hard to be a female leader. While it is assumed that any man, no matter how tough, has a soft side... any female leader is assumed to be one-dimensional.
--Billie Jean King
It's just really important that we start celebrating our differences. Let's start tolerating first, but then we need to celebrate our differences.
--Billie Jean King
It's really impossible for athletes to grow up. As long as you're playing, no one will let you. On the one hand, you're a child, still playing a game. And everybody around you acts like a kid, too. But on the other hand, you're a superhuman hero that everyone dreams of being. No wonder we have such a hard time understanding who we are.
--Billie Jean King
Marriage isn't a 50-50 proposition very often. It's more like 100-0 one moment and 0-100 the next.
--Billie Jean King
No one changes the world who isn't obsessed.
--Billie Jean King
One lesson you learn from sports is that life goes on without you.
--Billie Jean King
Pressure is a privilege- it only comes to those who earn it.
--Billie Jean King
That is where the power, opportunity, and choice come from- when you have money. Money equals opportunity. There is no question.
--Billie Jean King
The main thing is to care. Care very hard, even if it is only a game you are playing.
--Billie Jean King
The trouble with being number one in the world- at anything- is that it takes a certain mentality to attain that position in the first place, and that is something of a driving, perfectionist attitude, so that once you do achieve number one, you don't relax and enjoy it.
--Billie Jean King
Until women are brought out of poverty, humanity can't move forward.
--Billie Jean King
Victory is fleeting. Losing is forever.
--Billie Jean King
Found 23 occurence(s) in 52,267 quotation(s).