Accentuaute the positives- medicate the negatives.
--Amy Sedaris
An alcoholic at a small gathering is called an intervention.
--Amy Sedaris
Before you can give of yourself to others you must know what of yourself you have to give. Every person is special. In all the land there is only one you, possibly two, but seldom more than sixteen.
--Amy Sedaris
Begin your story with a sentence that will immediately grab hold of your listener's ears like a surly nun in a Catholic school.
--Amy Sedaris
I think it's good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.
--Amy Sedaris
It's natural for humans to suppress urges, for when our desires are left unchecked they lead to broken relationships, prison time, and forest fires.
--Amy Sedaris
Most people are not attractive or all there.
--Amy Sedaris
My mother always said 'Don't bother other people.' I think that's good advice.
--Amy Sedaris
People who shop in health food stores never look healthy.
--Amy Sedaris
Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.
--Amy Sedaris
Usually, the best ideas come from other people's good ideas, which then, after a short gestation period, become your ideas.
--Amy Sedaris
When you hear someone use the word 'meds' instead of the word 'medicine,' chances are they're no stranger to massive doses of mind-altering psychotropic drugs. Back out of the room slowly.
--Amy Sedaris
You think in a different way when you don't have any money. The joy of poverty is that you use your imagination to come up with stuff.
--Amy Sedaris
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